2025 Mission and Vision


“Our mission is to enhance public safety across Arizona through modern, effective correctional practices and meaningful engagements.”

The Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry carries out its vision of REIMAGINING CORRECTIONS through four overarching and mission-centered goals.

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2025 ADCRR Foundational Principles

Goal 1: Build a Meaningful Organizational Culture & Promote the Development of Team

Strategies and Initiatives

  • 1.1
    Foster a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and engagement by enhancing professional development opportunities and strengthening team dynamics to improve effectiveness
  • 1.2
    Continue deploying staff professional development academies focused on core job responsibilities, personal growth, and modern correctional practices
  • 1.3
    Increase leadership growth opportunities by 20% through development and implementation focused on supervisor mentorship programs, advanced leadership training, and promotional preparation efforts
  • 1.4
    Emphasize and encourage consistent communication and information-sharing across the Department and between divisions through targeted town halls and new division-specific communication forums
  • 1.5
    Prioritize clear, respectful, person-centered communication across ADCRR by implementing an initiative to create a more respectful and supportive culture, enhance staff and individual interactions, and align communication strategies with modern correctional practices
  • 1.6
    Increase staff's awareness and engagement with wellness-based resources, including EAP and HIP initiatives
  • 1.7
    Implement a smoke-free initiative, eliminating smoking across ADCRR, promoting overall wellness and a healthier environment while aligning with public health best practices
  • 1.8
    Reimagine ADCRR's Correctional Officer Training Academy (COTA), ensuring new cadet training addresses the priorities of the Department and best correctional practices
  • 1.9
    Sustain the early success of the 2024 security series Field Training Officer and Evaluation Program by fully implementing the program at all prison complexes and increasing participation by 15%
  • 1.10
    Target staff wellness and support strategies using staff survey results and information
  • 1.11
    Transition from sanction-focused staff accountability to a balanced, wellness, and coaching-focused staff accountability
  • 1.12
    Promote an expanded use of 'on the spot' recognitions, team building activities, and other staff-suggested strategies to strengthen staff retention

Goal 2: Create and Implement Optimal Population Management & Progression Strategies

Strategies and Initiatives

  • 2.1
    Implement the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) to guide meaningful programming placement, individualized case management services, and community reentry
  • 2.2
    Further implement housing and custody strategies to improve the management, health, and safe integration of the inmate population
  • 2.3
    Align detention and restrictive housing practices with modern correctional standards to prioritize safety, ensure transparency, and promote fairness and rehabilitation
  • 2.4
    Decrease the Department's use of detention housing for protective custody placements by 15%
  • 2.5
    Reimagine the systemic role of the Pima Reentry Center (PRC) and Maricopa Reentry Center (MRC) in supporting safe transition services in the community, increasing bed utilization by 25% at each center
  • 2.6
    Expand the size, scope, and impact of the Contraband Interdiction Task Force (CITF), including the implementation of mail scanning services in at least 50% of housing units
  • 2.7
    Establish the Violence Reduction Task Force, focused on strengthening housing placement decisions to improve safety, security, and daily operations
  • 2.8
    Implement the results and recommendations of the Classification Workgroup, following the completion of the pilot program and evaluation phase
  • 2.9
    Strengthen volunteer partnerships and services in prisons and in community offices, increasing the number of approved volunteers by at least 50 volunteers
  • 2.10
    Expand access to education, apprenticeship, and workforce development programs aiming to reduce recidivism by providing individuals with the skills and tools for successful reentry
  • 2.11
    Implement co-led educational, vocational, and rehabilitative programs facilitated by staff and the population together fostering mutual respect, communication, skill-building, and rehabilitation

Goal 3: Deploy Quality Service Delivery & Continuity of Care in Complexes & Communities

Strategies and Initiatives

  • 3.1
    Continue demonstrating progress towards substantial compliance in Jensen v. Thornell
  • 3.2
    Expand the Department's emergency preparedness through regular and meaningful division-specific and statewide exercises
  • 3.3
    Reimagine the prison visitation process to streamline access, enhance security protocols, and promote meaningful interactions
  • 3.4
    Implement absconder reduction strategies, aiming to reduce community reentry absconding behavior by 10%
  • 3.5
    Implement, train, and coach case management principles and reentry planning techniques for correctional officer case management staff
  • 3.6
    Increase the role and utilization of peer support specialists across all prison housing units and populations, ensuring integration into service delivery and support, enhancing individual engagements, and supporting staff efforts
  • 3.7
    Create a feasible plan for increasing the effectiveness of the Transition Program, improving the program's successful completion rate by 15%
  • 3.8
    Implement community reentry supervision strategies focusing on staff training and wellness, community partnerships, and increasing outcomes to promote individual success and well being
  • 3.9
    Evolve Arizona Corrections Industries (ACI) into a workforce training hub, in concert with Education, Programs, and Community Reentry (EPCR), to increase employability opportunities for incarcerated individuals prior to and upon release from prison

Goal 4: Achieve Modernization and Sustainability of Practices and Resources

Strategies and Initiatives

  • 4.1
    Emphasize and promote workplace efficiency by leveraging technology and automation
  • 4.2
    Implement a meaningful policy revision process that promotes active involvement of staff and leadership, implements efficiencies, and ensures clarity, fairness, and effectiveness
  • 4.3
    Further automate Jensen-related data collection strategies
  • 4.4
    Implement real-time, rapid deployment of teams to address facility maintenance and repair
  • 4.5
    Develop and implement a meaningful and timely use of force review process, emphasizing proper practices through coaching and support for staff
  • 4.6
    Consolidate central office staff and resources into one headquarters location
  • 4.7
    Modernize the inmate grievance and disciplinary processes, developing practices that are efficient and timely, meaningful, and measurable
  • 4.8
    Reimagine the recruitment and hiring process for new employees, focusing on efficiency, attracting qualified candidates, and shortening the timeline-to-hire (to under 30 days) to better meet operational needs and support workforce growth
  • 4.9
    Redesign the employee promotional process to ensure transparency and alignment with the Department's mission, vision, and principles
  • 4.10
    Efficiently invest in ADCRR's aging infrastructure to preserve safety, security, and usefulness
  • 4.11
    Sustain the Department's implementation of the Extreme Heat Safety and Relief Strategy
  • 4.12
    Enhance the grant review process, adding innovation and modernization, ensuring optimization of opportunities aimed to support the Department
  • 4.13
    Develop and implement a public-facing records portal for easier access to inmate education records, certifications, and training documentation following release and reentry into the community


View the FY 2025 Strategic Plan