
2500 E. Van Buren St.
Phoenix, AZ 85008
United States
P.O. Box 52109
Phoenix, AZ 85072
United States

Warden Lori Stickley
To contact the Warden’s office, please call (602) 685-3100 ext. 52000 or email [email protected].
ASPC-Phoenix Complex is a multi-faceted operation comprised of 3 major functional areas: a reception center for inmates coming to the Department from the counties, a transitional care unit for mental health inmates, and an inpatient care unit. Skilled inmates are selected from the general population inmates throughout the state to perform maintenance on the facility as well as other functions such as kitchen workers, yard crews, and cleaning crews.
Reception Center: Phoenix is the Reception Center for adult male inmates who are sentenced to the Department with the exception of Death Row and inmates serving a Life Sentence. The Reception Center encompasses: Arrival from County Jail, Medical Screening, Psychiatric Screening, Initial Classification, and Statewide Transportation. Inmates are processed through the reception center by Correctional Officers, Medical, and Mental Health Staff upon arrival from all Arizona Counties. The Offender Information Unit and Correctional Officer III review court documentation and criminal history to determine appropriate Statewide housing.
The Baker Ward houses an inpatient care unit, a medical infirmary with 45 beds.
Work Crews
Alhambra and Aspen have internal work crews, but no outside work crews. Internal crews are assigned to areas such as maintenance, special projects, painters and kitchen.
Based on population needs, Alhambra and Aspen offer Mandatory Literacy, Special Education, GED and High School diploma program through Phoenix Success Academy. The inmate population is encouraged pursue Associates Degrees and Phoenix has had several successful graduates.
Treatment & Self-Improvement Programs
The Aspen Unit mental health staff offer weekly psychoeducation groups and individual weekly sessions that prepare the population for success upon release. Aspen also offers art therapy with a focus on mindfulness and creativity, book clubs, healthy peer relationship groups, self-esteem groups, interpersonal relationship tolerance groups, and anger management. Aspen has a Recovery Support Specialist program which certifies selected individuals from the population
P.O. Box 52109
Phoenix, AZ 85072
United States
Deputy Warden
Adam Young
[email protected]
P.O. Box 52109
Phoenix, AZ 85072
United States
Deputy Warden
Kimberly Salas
[email protected]
P.O. Box 52109
Phoenix, AZ 85072
United States
Deputy Warden
Adam Young
[email protected]