Staff Development & Training Bureau

Mission Statement

The Staff Development and Training Bureau is the catalyst for personal, professional and Department development, empowering the Agency and its people to exceed traditional boundaries.

About Us

The Staff Development and Training Bureau provides in-service training for correctional and non-correctional staff. The Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry has an experienced program development and pre-service/in-service curriculum staff working diligently to provide our staff with the skill and knowledge to maintain and enhance their job performance, along with the skills to deal with everyday stress for work and home. Our program development academies ensure that our management staff is provided the tools to hone skills of established supervisors and to provide newly promoted supervisors the skills needed to manage effectively in a correctional setting. We also offer several team-building activities for staff to enhance teamwork and productivity.

Professional and Executive Development Academies are developed to ensure our staff has the tools and knowledge needed in becoming effective supervisors. The skills learned would enable supervisors to assist staff with the daily occurrences they will face.


Correctional Managers Academy (CMA)

The Correctional Managers Academy was developed to enhance the supervisory skills of newly promoted Administrators, and help them adjust to their new role.


Correctional Administrators Academy (CAA)

The Correctional Administrators Academy was developed to enhance the skills of newly promoted Wardens and assist them in evolving their problem solving skills for the ever-changing workforce


Correctional Leadership Academy I

This is the basic supervisory course for ADC security supervisors. It discusses the following skills as critical to the success of new sergeants: leadership; communication; team building; PACE; employee discipline; and employee grievance. Throughout the focus is how supervisors support ADC's strategic plan.


Correctional Leadership Academy II

This is the level II supervisory course for ADC security supervisors. It discusses the core competencies needed by Sergeants to support ADC's mission