Office of the Inspector General
Inspector General
Raul Vega
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is comprised of various units responsible for the overall policing of the prison system through criminal, administrative and background investigations, intelligence gathering, and comprehensive prison audits. The OIG also includes offices related to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and the Inmate Ombudsman.
If you wish to contact the Office of the Inspector General, please phone (602)-771-6055.
Email: [email protected]
Criminal Investigations Unit
Criminal Investigations Unit (CIU) Police Investigators are assigned to each Arizona State Prison Complex, additionally serving our private prisons as well. The CIU is split into three regions (North, Central, and South) ultimately reporting to the Enforcement Deputy Inspector General. Investigations include but are not limited to homicide, sexual assault, assault, extortion, corruption and are conducted on subjects within the prison system, and career criminals in Arizona communities. The CIU prides itself in providing world class, professional Law Enforcement/investigative services to ADCRR and to the community at large.
If you wish to contact the Criminal Investigations Unit, please phone (602) 771-6078.
Security Threat Group
Security Threat Group (STG) is a Unit comprised of Police Investigators who are tasked with conducting complex criminal investigations on known STG inmates and associates who effect the safe and orderly operations of the ADCRR. STG unit investigations are often worked in our Arizona communities targeting career criminals and violent offenders. The STG Unit also specializes in intelligence collection and covert investigation methods, while partnering with our Federal, State, County, and Municipal partners.
If you wish to contact the Security Threat Group, please phone (602) 771-6071.
Fugitive Apprehension Unit
The Fugitive Apprehension Unit (FAU) is led by Police Investigators who are assigned to the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force. FAU’s primary responsibility is to locate and apprehend the most dangerous fugitives in Arizona Communities and assist in high profile investigations.
If you wish to contact the Fugitive Apprehension Unit, please phone [email protected].
Special Operations Unit
The Special Operations Unit (SOU) is led by a squad of Police Investigators responsible for threat investigations concerning the ADCRR and its employees. SOU is also responsible for executive protection, intelligence gathering, and criminal investigations.
If you wish to contact the Special Operations Unit, please phone (602) 542-3738.
Arizona Police Officers Standards and Training
The ADCRR has a Compliance Specialist assigned to the Arizona Police Officers Standards and Training (AZ POST) headquarters to conduct audits of current ADCRR peace officers and Correctional officers to ensure they meet the annual training requirements to maintain their AZPOST peace officer and correctional officer certification.
If you wish to contact the Arizona Police Officers Standards and Training, please phone (602) 774-9348.
Audit Unit
The Audit Unit conducts comprehensive inspections of ADRCC through the Quality Assurance and Improvement program.
If you wish to contact the Audit Unit, please phone [email protected].
Background Investigations Unit
The Background Investigations Unit is responsible for pre-employment background checks of newly hired and reinstated correctional officers, employees and contractors, as well as other persons who may be performing work within the prisons.
If you wish to contact the Background Investigations Unit, please phone (602) 771-5433.
Inmate Ombudsman
ADCRR is committed to continuous improvement by providing ombudsman services to its inmates to ensure their retaliation concerns are heard and processed with fairness and consistency. The Inmate Ombudsman Office is established to proactively facilitate the resolution of issues, concerns and complaints regarding retaliation brought forward by inmates.
If you wish to contact the Inmate Ombudsman, please phone (602) 771-5634.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
The Department has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and/or sexual contact of any kind with inmates and offenders including: sexual conduct, assault and/or contact by inmates, staff, contractors, volunteers and others. This Department Order establishes the standards and accountability measures to prevent such conduct, regardless of location and to respond appropriately should a sexual conduct occur. This process includes meeting the medical and psychological needs of the victims. Allegations of sexual conduct shall be investigated and as warranted, result in disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.
If you wish to contact the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Unit, please phone (602) 771-5935.