Programs ensure that each ASPC facility and individuals has access to the tools, training, and study materials that will help them move past prison and into a normal, productive role in society.


Program Services

Participation Method

Major Programs

Core programs related to key areas of successful reentry; typically requires credentialed staff, standardized and evidenced based curriculum.

  • Academic Education
  • Career Technical Education
  • Substance Abuse Treatment
  • DUI Treatment
  • Sex Offender Treatment
  • Cognitive Restructuring
Incarcerated individuals are assigned to these programs based on objective factors such as risk to recidivate, need for program, and eligibility for the early release program.

Self-Improvement Programs

Ancillary programs facilitated by staff and/or community partners or volunteers that have a valid curriculum, offer positive skills and/or information to participants.


  • Reentry (Merging Two Worlds)
  • Courage to Change series
  • Money Management
Incarcerated individuals are assigned to various programs based on need.  Most programs are voluntary (with the exception – of Merging Two Worlds).

Pro-Social Programs

Additional programs that are facilitated by volunteers or community partners provide additional opportunities for growth to participants. 


  • Yoga
  • Creative writing
  • Community partner programs
  • Employment development
  • 12 Step meetings
  • Parenting
  • Coping skills
Incarcerated individuals typically volunteer for these programs which occur during the incarcerated individual's leisure time.

Peer Programs

Programs facilitated by inmates.

  • Creative writing
  • Public speaking
  • Narcotics Anonymous
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Life skills
  • Choir
  • Triple P Parenting
Individuals typically volunteer for these programs, which usually occur during their leisure time.

Post Secondary Education

Incarcerated individuals may take college courses that occur exclusively within their leisure time.

  • Incarcerated individuals self-paid college courses; Second Chance Pell Grant tablet college classes (Ashland University)
Individuals interested in utilizing tablets to participate in self-funded educational courses through the Second Chance Pell Grant College program - coordinated by Ashland University - must be within 10 years of release and must meet both grant and ADCRR eligibility requirements.