Victim Rights
Individuals in the State of Arizona have certain rights afforded to them when victimization occurs. Below is a list of rights for victims exclusive to post-conviction or after the defendant has been sentenced. ADCRR Victim Services provides services primarily in this stage because the inmate has been sentenced to prison.
Post-conviction Rights
- To be treated with fairness, respect and dignity and be free from intimidation, harassment or abuse throughout the criminal justice system.
- To receive prompt restitution from the person or persons convicted of the criminal conduct that caused the victim's loss or injury.
- Arizona Constitution, Article 2, Section 2.1 Victims Bill of Rights and ARS § 31-230 require ADCRR to withdraw 20%-50% of the monies available in an inmate's spendable account each month to pay court-ordered restitution.
- To be informed, *upon request, when the accused or convicted person is released from custody, has escaped, or died.
- To be present and informed, *upon request, of all criminal proceedings where the defendant has the right to be present.
- To be heard at any proceeding when any post-conviction release from confinement is being considered.
- To request not to receive inmate mail.
*See Post-Conviction Notification Request forms under FAQ
For a full list of victims' rights within the Arizona Revised Statutes, review Title 13, Chapter 40 - Crime Victims' Rights. Please contact Victim Services for more information regarding these rights.
701 E. Jefferson St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
1-866-787-7233 | 602-542-1853
[email protected]