Classifications, Records & Population Management
Stacey Crabtree
If you wish to contact Classifications, Records & Population Management, please call (602) 542-3896.
Classifications, Records & Population Management is responsible for the determination of offender release eligibility and institution assignment of all offenders committed to the Department of Corrections Rehabilitation and Reentry. Classifications, Records & Population Management is comprised of the following:
- Intake and Assessment
- Offender Classification/Movement
- Offender Information Unit
- Time Computation
- Population Management
Intake and Assessment
Offender Intake and Assessment for the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry takes place at four locations: Arizona State Prison Complex-Phoenix, adult males; Arizona State Prison Complex-Perryville, adult females; Arizona State Prison Complex-Lewis, minor males and females sentenced as adults; and Arizona State Prison Complex-Eyman, Browning Unit, males sentenced to death.
Offenders are classified under the Offender Classification System. Upon entering the Department's custody, each offender is assessed for security and custody risk, and for specific services such as medical, mental health, substance abuse or sex offense treatment and/or programming needs such as education, vocational training and work skills and other placement considerations.
Offender Classification/Movement
The classification profile consists of an offender's custody classification and internal risk levels, as well as programming needs. Offenders are reviewed on a regular basis and scores are adjusted based on information received during the review period to include behavior, time left to serve, and overall history. An offender's placement is changed when the custody classification indicates the offender no longer meets the custody/security designation of the current unit assignment.
A daily count sheet and vacancy report is generated each weekday. The count sheet includes information on beds, types by unit statewide, the number of offenders physically assigned, on out count and pending in the county jails.
The Classification Unit schedules offender movement from the county jails and transfers between the prison units.
Offender Information Unit
The Offender Information Unit consists of the following subunits:
- Master Records: Maintains active and inactive offender master record files
- Prior Conviction Packages: Prepares evidentiary packets of felony prosecution cases
- Detainers/Notifications: Process requests for detainers from other jurisdictions
Time Computation
The Time Computation Unit has responsibility for the calculation of release eligibility dates for all offenders and oversight of the institution release processes. This includes the auditing of intake documents for accuracy, recalculation of release eligibility dates due to forfeiture of release credits, a change in release credits earned due to disciplinary sanctions and monitoring of the release eligibility dates.
- Absolute Discharge
- To return the completed form, or if you require further information, please email [email protected] (Click here for Absolute Discharge Form).
Population Management
The purpose of Population Management is to ensure permanent state and private beds are efficiently managed and the Agency’s Bed Plan is accurate and reflects future bed needs.